Published by Elsevier, Nuclear Physics B - Proceeding Supplements, vol. 145 (2005), pp. 1-397, edited by P. Bernardini, G.L. Fogli, and E. Lisi.


Deadline for submission: December 10, 2004


Covering Letter (MS Word or PDF)

Instructions (PDF)

Style files and template (either tar.gz or ZIP compressed file)


Your paper should not exceed the specified pages in length:

- 6 pages for a Plenary talk

- 6 pages for a Session Summary (to be written by each couple of conveners)

- 4 pages for a Parallel talk

- 12 pages for the Concluding talk

Please send your final electronic file (either as ps or pdf attachment), as well as any possible query, to the Guest Editors at the address below:


not later than December 10, 2004.