Lattice evidence for a large rescaling of the Higgs condensate.

Maurizio Consoli


Recent lattice simulations of $(\lambda \Phi^4)_4$ theories in the broken phase show that:
a) the bare zero-momentum two-point function $ \Gamma_2(0)= \left. \frac{ d^2 V_{\rm eff}}{d \phi^2_B} \right|_{\phi_B= \pm v_B} $ is related by a non-trivial re-scaling $Z_\varphi$ to the `Higgs mass' $M^2_h$ governing the large-momentum behaviour of the propagator and
b) the magnitude of $Z_\varphi={{M^2_h}\over{\Gamma_2(0)}}$ increases when approaching the continuum limit. This supports theoretical expectations where $v_B$ is related by an infinite re-scaling to the `physical Higgs condensate' $v_R$ defined through $\left. \frac{ d^2 V_{\rm eff}}{d \phi^2_R} \right|_{\phi_R= \pm v_R}=M^2_h $.
A finite-temperature analysis supports the same conclusions since the finite-temperature analog of $Z_\varphi$ is found to diverge when approaching the phase transition. By denoting $M_{\rm SSB} \equiv M_h ={\cal O} (v_R)$ the scale of the broken phase, our results support the existence of a `hierarchy' of mass scales $\Gamma_2(0) \ll M^2_{\rm SSB} \ll v^2_B$ that become infinitely far in the continuum limit.

Elenco dei partecipanti al convegno di Bari.