Xth workshop on Statistical Mechanics

and non perturbative Field Theory

Bari (Italy), September 25-27, 2000

Department of Physics - INFN Sezione di Bari

First Bulletin

After the suspension of one year we have decided to organize the Xth edition of the Bari workshop on arguments of common interest to Statistical Mechanics and non perturbative Field Theory. As in the past years the workshop will be held at Department of Physics of the Bari University and will have an informal style. There will be parallel talks (50+10 min) and two or three plenary talks on arguments of particular interest to Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.
More information will be added to the following web page:


The Organizing Committee

Leonardo Angelini (Bari)
Tel.: 0805443214, E-mail: angelini@ba.infn.it;
Giovanni Cicuta (Parma)
Tel.: 0521905229, E-mail: cicuta@pr.infn.it;
Paolo Cea (Bari)
Tel.: 0805443210, E-mail: cea@ba.infn.it;
Leonardo Cosmai (Bari)
Tel.: 0805443207, E-mail: cosmai@ba.infn.it;
Giuseppe Gonnella (Bari)
Tel.: 0805443209, E-mail: gonnella@ba.infn.it;
Francesco Guerra (Roma)
Tel.: 0649914347, E-mail: guerra@roma1.infn.it;
Matteo Villani (Bari)
Tel.: 0805442435, E-mail: villani@ba.infn.it;