The Higgs condensate as a true physical medium: observable consequences and lattice evidences

Maurizio Consoli


Beyond perturbation theory, the Higgs condensate can be described as a true physical medium whose density becomes larger and larger in the continuum limit so as to compensate the vanishing of the scattering length for the condensed quanta (`triviality`). In a quantum-field-theoretical language this result amounts to a logarithmically divergent rescaling of the scalar condensate that is quite distinct from the trivial unit rescaling of the fluctuating modes. For this reason, the Higgs boson mass remains non vanishing in the continuum limit and scales uniformly with the physical scalar condensate (that in the Standard Model is related to the Fermi constant). Thus, a measurement of the Higgs boson mass would not provide any information on the magnitude of the ultraviolet cutoff that thus becomes invisible to low-energy physics. This picture is supported by the results of lattice simulations performed in the 4D Ising limit of the theory.

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