Bari Theory Xmas Workshop 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013, Aula Multimediale

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Alessandro Mossa                              Univ. of Bari & INFN                            A tale of balls and boxes

Gianluca Laghezza                              Univ of Oxford, UK                             Studying evaporation phenomena with Lattice Boltzmann Methods

Pietro Smacchia                                 SISSA & INFN, Trieste                         Quantum quenches and dynamical phase transitions

Giuseppe Florio                                  Univ. of Bari & INFN                            Entropy-Driven Phase Transitions of Entanglement

Francesco Pepe                                 Univ. of Bari & INFN                            Quantum simulation of decay with Bose-Einstein condensates

Fabio Deelan Cunden                        Univ. of Bari & INFN                             Random Matrix Theory and quantum transport in chaotic cavities

Ciro Taranto                                       Tech. Univ. Wien, Austria                     From infinite to two dimensions through the functional RG

Marco Di Gennaro                              Univ. of Liege, Belgium                        Spin-orbit torques at the Ni-Pt interface: A Tight-Binding approach

Antonio Palazzo                                 MPI, Munich, Germany                        Constraints on very light sterile neutrinos from reactor experiments

Irene Tamborra                                  Univ. of Amsterdam                              Fast time variations of SN neutrino fluxes and detection perspectives

Alessandro Mirizzi                              Univ. of Hamburg, Germany                Self-induced flavor evolution of SN neutrinos without axial symmetry

Marco Ruggieri                                  Univ. of Catania                                    Heavy ion collisions: A short overview

Gennaro Corcella                               INFN, LNF, Frascati                             Bottom-quark fragmentation and impact on top mass reconstruction

Antonella De Pasquale                         SNS, Pisa                                             Quantum parameter estimation theory

Vincenzo Tamma                                 Univ. of Ulm, Germany                         Correlation Functions and Matrix Permanents

Antonello Scardicchio                          ICTP, Trieste, Italy                                Long-range spin glasses from short-range antiferromagnets

Marco Bardoscia                                  ICTP, Trieste, Italy                                Adversarial SAT: climbing the hierarchy of complexity

Adriano Tiribocchi                                U. of Edinburgh, UK                             A minimal physical model for a crawling cell

Leonardo Campanelli                            Univ. of Bari                                         Campi Magnetici Cosmici

Lorenzo Vitale                                       EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland              Constraints on RG flows and the Local Callan-Symanzyk equation

Giuseppe Fanizza                                  Univ. of Bari & INFN                            Luminosity Distance and Non Perturbative Cosmology

Francesco Capozzi                                Univ. of Bari & INFN                            Oscillazioni di neutrino nell'era delle misure di precisione

Pietro Biancofiore                                  Univ. of Bari & INFN                            New Physics facing last flavor data

Floriana Giannuzzi                                 Univ. of Bari & INFN                            Studies about in-medium QCD

Giuseppe Colucci                                  Univ. of Frankfurt, Germany                Effective field theories for dense nuclear matter




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saletta riunioni

Buffet Lunch

(for Workshop participants only)







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Afternoon Session